Custom Embroidered Port & Company Fleece-Lined Knit Cap - CP90L

Product Description
The Custom Embroidered Port & Company Fleece-Lined Knit Cap was produced by taking an already popular cap and making it better. This cap boasts the regular 100% acylic construction with the addition of a 100% polyester fleece lining which improves warmth and comfort. Look through the available color options and find the one that suits your needs the best. Then, pair your color choice up with your own unique design by making use of our custom embroidery option. With your company logo on it, this cap will not only provide you with a versatile advertising tool, it will also provide you with warmth, comfort and style. Customize your order of the Port & Company Fleece-Lined Knit Cap today!
Product Details
- Fabric100% acrylic with 100% polyester fleece lining

Production Time
7 - 14 Business Days, or sooner after art sheet is approved.
Need it sooner? No problem!
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.

Production Time
7 - 14 Business Days, or sooner after art sheet is approved.
Need it sooner? No problem!
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.