Custom Embroidered Nike Sphere Dry Cover Up 244610

Product Description
Perfect in variable weather, this custom embroidered cover-up from Nike Golf is made with performance and style in mind. It's crafted from a durable 100% polyester fabric that features Nike's Sphere Dry technology, which wicks moisture away while keeping heat in when you need it most. With a quarter-zip design that aides breathability and doesn't inhibit movement during active play, this cover-up is great on the course or on the field, and features the Nike Swoosh and stylish contrast-colored highlights that will help ensure your logo or team name looks great.

Production Time
7 - 14 Business Days, or sooner after art sheet is approved.
Need it sooner? No problem!
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.

Production Time
7 - 14 Business Days, or sooner after art sheet is approved.
Need it sooner? No problem!
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.
Give us a call 866-800-5656 and we will try to accommodate your date.